课程时长: 12 小时 (2 天)
课程费用: RM 2,588.00
Lasers and light are very common machines used in Aesthetics and in the beauty field. With proper handling and usage will create a tremendous result to the skin. One should know that there are many types of lasers and lights that is used in the beauty and aesthetic industry. Although easily available to the market one must be well versed with general precautions in handling lasers, the types of laser, its
specific indications and to correlate with the patient’s skin before firing a laser machine. Using lasers and lights without full understanding of each devices will cause unwanted results and complications.
Our course will cover on all the above areas so that beauticians are well educated in laser safety and as well as understanding about each devices to aid the practitioner well to produce optimal results and mainly to prevent unwanted complications.
- 头发和皮肤组织的解剖学与生理学
- 皮肤分析、分类与衰老过程
- 激光与光疗法原理
- 激光与光疗法的适应症与禁忌症
- 并发症管理与紧急处理程序
- 激光与光疗法在脱发中的应用
- 激光与光疗法在纹身去除、色素沉着、皮肤标签、等离子治疗中的应用
- 激光与光疗法在皮肤再生中的应用
- 激光与光疗法在碳酸去角质治疗中的应用
- IPL面部与身体脱毛
- 安全参数与技能以执行安全操作
- 完成课程后需填写日志(至少5个案例)
评估与考试: 理论与实践,档案作品的准备与合成,口试
学术资格: 专业进阶激光与光美容治疗证书
职业机会: 通过学习医学程序,获得新技能,增强在整形诊所、医疗水疗中心和美容沙龙等场所就业的竞争力,成为面部专家。
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